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Тема: e our unselfish love< Предыдущая тема | Следующая тема >
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ylq Search for posts by this member.


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августа 2017
PostIcon Отправлено: июля 17 2019,04:27  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

In the ruins, I accidentally saw a broken piece of dead wood, and the dead wood was so riddled with a rusty nail. The nail has been rusted like a burnt match, and it is turned into a powder with a finger. Imagine such a dead wood, such a nail, the building can not pour the wood is the rooted soil Newport Cigarettes Coupons, and the nails firmly fix the wood The two are mutually influential. If the nail is of superior quality, or if it is a stainless steel nail, it will not rust easily. Even if it is slightly rusted, it will be shiny and fresh after being polished with gauze, and it can be recycled and reused. If it is of poor quality, it will rust quickly, and there will be gaps in the nailed place. After the wind and rain, the wood will rot quickly. Of course, if the wood is not soft wood such as paulownia, it is a fine pine cypress. , redwood and other good varieties. Then, such wood will not prematurely rot and play a very good role in protecting the nails. If you put a layer of tung oil on a good wood for anti-corrosion? Then is this nail tied to the wood? The answer is obvious. This should be the dialectical relationship between the two Marlboro Lights. So, compared to each of us and our society, it is not the writing of this relationship. If the material desires and the morality of the society are lost, this society will only swallow our pure as the devil. The soul, more often the devil is even draped in the cloak of the light of tomorrow, and tries to train us into its agent, and then sent to the world to continue to incite others. If we don't have a correct outlook on life, values, and will not be firm, then how can we resist the temptation? It will eventually be ruthlessly discarded like the rusty nail. Because justice will eventually defeat evil, there are not many days when the devil is making waves. Therefore, we must have the noble sentiment of the lotus, and we must "get out of the mud and not dye it Carton Of Cigarettes, and let us be happy, but let us be happy. Under the leadership of the chief designer, the Party Central Committee is carrying out an invisible smoke. The anti-corruption war has unprecedented intensity, scale, and determination. It has educated every Communist Party on the mass line so that they all become nails that never rust, and firmly nailed to the wood of the masses to glow and heat. People like rusted nails will eventually be removed, abandoned, and thrown into the rubbish heap of history. Not only that, but our country is also perfecting the legal system and resolutely administering the country according to law; advocating both ability and political integrity, ruling the country with morality Cheap Cigarettes, and appointing meritocracy These measures are like smearing a layer of tung oil on the wood, so that our Communists and the masses are all in one, and the flesh and blood are inseparable. Let each of our Communists and every conscience know that we will never die. Rust nails, let us join hands to form a steel cage, lock the darkness and evil firmly, use our unselfish love to reach justice, embrace the light! Our motherland will not Overcome, our nation will achieve the great rejuvenation!
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vannhealin Search for posts by this member.


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сентября 2018
PostIcon Отправлено: октября 25 2019,11:54 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


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vannhealin Search for posts by this member.


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сентября 2018
PostIcon Отправлено: октября 29 2019,14:49 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE


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2 ответов, начиная с июля 17 2019,04:27 < Предыдущая тема | Следующая тема >

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