Ôîðóì: Òðåïîëîãèÿ
Òåìà: Getting In And Out Of Eddies When Kayaking
àâòîð: usasmokingsale

Îòïðàâëåíî usasmokingsale â ìàÿ 14 2019,11:13
Getting In And Out Of Eddies When Kayaking

An eddie is relatively peaceful area of < Cheapest Newports Cigarettes Marlboro 100'S Online > water in the middle of a current of water. How can this be? Well, you will find eddies behind obstacles in the current. A classic obstacle is your average boulder. As the water flows around the boulder, a slight reverse current is created behind the boulder. This occurs because the water does not immediately come together behind the boulder. Think about it and you will figure it out.

Eddies are great when you are kayaking because they are places where you can essentially take a pit stop. Most eddies are calm enough that you can take time to look around and figure out how you are going to attack the next section of the river. You can also relax and let your arms revive. Sorry, there are no vending machines or bathrooms.

To take advantage of eddies, you need to be able to get into them. There is both a technical and artistic element to it, particularly if you are in fast water. Explaining it in words is a bit difficult, but here we go. When coming up to the boulder, you want to aim for the bottom edge of rock. You literally want the bow tip to swing around the rock and end up facing up river no more than a foot from the obstacle. The idea is to perform a controlled slide around the boulder by essentially doing a 180 degree turn. This may sound difficult, but it isn't after a couple of tries.

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Îòïðàâëåíî vannhealin â îêòÿáðÿ 29 2019,13:03
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