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Тема: Looking at a book< Предыдущая тема | Следующая тема >
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PostIcon Отправлено: июня 05 2019,10:59  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Looking at a book, just like watching a life theater, the audience expects the fireworks, the men and women, the spring and autumn harvest, the winter snow and the summer rain, although nothing, but the process may be the meaning of the story itself. The potential of the book itself is to make people enjoyable, just as Experience a hearty and self-sustaining trip, a passionate love, and a sultry old movie. Zhou Zhuangyun: "The people who sent the monarchs are all from the cliff Newport 100S, and the king is far away from this." Many books, we look back at the end of the text, only to find that the author only asks for such an empty self-sufficiency. This long-term companionship, ending in the lips and teeth, hidden in the good times of each good book, there is always an allusion to the book, the love of books, is the young heart, crystallized the first candy. I like the book to inherit the habits of my parents. When I was young, I was in the same family in the family. I lived in a small town in the south. My father was a teacher. My father is now known for his fate, and his career is small and his wife and daughter. I have a high hope for myself. Since the beginning of his childhood, he is a retired grandfather who teaches literacy and literary essays, from "Tang Poetry", "San Zi Jing", "The Analects of Confucius" to "Discipline Rules", "University", and "Book of Songs". At that time, I only knew how to recite the text, but I didn&#65533;&#65533;t know what it was. Now I look back, my family is surrounded by the book, and it&#65533;&#65533;s really a childhood memory. Everyone will probably look for a confidant. The loneliness and physiological mutations in the heart are comforted. At that time, I was anxious but there was nowhere to look for it. In addition to the family and friends who accompanied me, it was the book of that room. The old study in the family was built by a grandfather Parliament Cigarettes, and the collection of books in the home before the demolition of the old house was more than enough. There is too little dialogue between the ancient Confucian preaching and adolescence On the contrary, the novels of "Dream of Red Mansions", "Peony Pavilion", "The West Chamber" and San Mao and Zhang Ailing are closer to themselves at that time. Those classical, elegant old banned books vented the lusts of traditional society, they struggled to resist the oppression of feudalism, and seemed to rush to break through the trapped beasts, demonstrating the definition of all spiritual and physical freedom. The unopened "Jin Ping Mei" in the home was bought by the mother during her leisure time at work. During the summer vacation of the third day Marlboro Gold, I had nothing to do. I accompanied the humming sound in the courtyard at home, opened the old wrapping paper, and watched the abridged version of Jin Ping Mei. The words in these books make me who is ignorant in adolescence have a full heart, I think they are, subverting my green years. I am still in middle school, the heavy pressure of academics, so I have to be in books In order to seek silence and self-knowledge, it is time to prefer Japanese literature, and love the thousands of styles of this small island country. I like to read the book of Kawabata Yasunari, admire the women created in his book, delicate, full of elegance and happiness, is a deep image of sorrow and joy in the times. Kawabata's literary interpretation of the traditional Japanese spirit of mourning, its novels have a meditation of peace, such peace can only be imprinted on the most intelligent or sad people. In the Qur'an, "the taste of sweetness is a manifestation of piety." Therefore, the lightness and dignity of the inner heart of the reading is the attribution of the story in the book. The book is really a good product for self-cultivation. And these are the talents I have been acquainted with in recent years in reading and understanding. I am ignorant. After experiencing the rite of rites, I feel the true value of the book and the survival of the book. faith. In Western aesthetics, still life is a person's care and reflection on oneself. Books and social groups are just as appropriate as they are. Reading can give people a certain secular attitude and a thick eyebrow. On the fifteenth anniversary of his death, Wang Xiaobo gave a special commemorative edition of "Bronze Age". He walked through the reality and used succinct and absurd words to ridicule the thought-provoking stories of the times. Wang Xiaobo&#65533;&#65533;s era has passed for many years, and the descendants of the future generations have followed the good fortune, and used his words to build a blessing to take care of a past era, to reflect on his own hidden heart Cigarettes Online. Jiang Xun repeatedly mentioned in the "Lonely Six Lectures" And the seven sages of the bamboo forest, those lonely people who could not be satisfied in the old age, they only dreamed of their own life, talent is not determined for applause, even if the years are not old, it is also a silent rebellion , a firm growth. There is a philosopher in the United Kingdom who said that "this world is a comedy based on reason. It is a tragedy to understand by feelings." Perhaps in the individualism of the seven sages of the bamboo forest, there is a deep sorrow in the historical winds, such as Guangling San The scores of the songs are already swan songs. When they return to the original, all the rumors are left to be explained by future generations. Books that restore or state history can always give people a feeling of calmness. Its preciousness will make future generations shun, and the heart is warm and good. In many cities in the mainland, you can always see a few flavors in the streets. The bookstores, they seem to indicate a lot of anti-trend faintness, have something that does not belong to this fast-food era, show us that the older people who can't see the head can resist the ever-changing glitz, they will stop at These bookstores, smelling its taste, those books that were popular in the past were quietly displayed, and the popularity was actually time, turning light years. I know that talents know that there are stories related to themselves. Some books are not only come, but their companionship is a long-term love.
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